Thought for the month
The purposes of church:
To worship the Lord your God- Matt 4:10
To prepare God's people for the works of service-Eph.-4:12
-We gather to minister support to one another
3. We exist to evangelise- Matt 28: 19-20
4.We exist to provide fellowship- fellowship with one another-Eph. 2:19
5.We exist to proclaim Him (God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
6.To admonish one another. -Col 1:28
Five goals that believers should show:
To be part of God's family 1Peter 3 Eph. 2:19
To be models of God's character- We are called to be examples of Christ. -1Peter 2:21 1Timothy 4:12
God wants us to be ministers of His grace. - Believers should use their talents, gifts, opportunities to serve not just God but also to serve others faithfully. 1Peter 4:10 Eph. 2:10
God wants us to be messengers of His love. Acts 20:24 2Cor 5:19-20
5. God wants us to magnify His name- Personalise the goal of worship Ex 20:3 Psalm 34:3